25 stocking fillers for your geeky man

I saw this blog 25 Stocking Stuffers for your Manly Man! and as I haven’t got a manly man but I do have a rather lovely geeky man I decided to do something similar, that can all be  bought in the UK and all for under 10 of your British earth pounds so here it is:

  1. Magic rotating globe
  2. Space food
  3. Monkey usb stick
  4. Magic IQ box with something personal inside, usb with pictures etc
  5. Bubble wrap keychain
  6. Titanium spork
  7. Batman ice cube tray
  8. Drinking bird
  9. Personalised rain poncho
  10. iTunes card – seriously, you want a link for an iTunes card?
  11. Blade Runner directors cut – or any other movie he wants but doesn’t have that is as awesome!
  12. Panda phone screen cleaner
  13. Star Wars mints
  14. Bacon salt
  15. natural history museum dinosaur torch and projector
  16. Glow in the dark loo roll
  17. Star Wars chopstick sabers
  18. Eggsterminator egg cup
  19. Caps Lock bottle tops
  20. Like/Dislike stamps
  21. Periodic table mug
  22. Space Invader multi-tool
  23. Credit card underground map
  24. Wallet lock picks – for when he’s pretending to be a spy 😉
  25. Lego drinking bottle

Please note I’ve only posted the links to demonstrate the products, we don’t endorse the suppliers or recommend them at all.

Please feel free to add your own to the list in the comments the list is by no means exhaustive – have fun adding stuff.

Mwah mwah
